April 20, 2014

Spring Break Baby!

For Spring Break this year I really wanted the kids to stay busy. Us not having a second car and the big kids being in school all day makes for some very long and boring days for Easton and I. And when the kids are busy, I also get to be busy. And I love being busy! We kicked off Spring Break with a little stay cation in downtown Salt Lake. We decided to make our annual night at The Little America a Spring Break tradition.

We started out the "trip" with a visit to Clark Planetarium. We saw the 3D Lemur movie (which I HIGHLY recommend) and then we headed over to the moon to take some pictures...

Then we walked over to Mars...

After the planetarium we went back to our hotel to swim. And the pool was freezing. Now keep in mind that I shower in 150 degree water because I like to step out of the water looking like a Native American. But the kids and Kendrick all did fine with the temperature and they loved their time in the pool. Easton isn't much for leaving the steps of pools so when those got boring he kept me company in my chair and between the two of us we had about 6 towels keeping us warm...

It wasn't until like 5:00 that evening that we realized our kids hadn't eaten since breakfast. Well, eaten a meal at least. Popcorn, lemonade and candy does not a meal make. We had a lovely dinner at Macaroni Grill (yay for Prom night-because Taylor and I got to critique all the dresses) and then it was off to the store for some treats and back to the hotel for some hot tub time and a movie. Easton fell asleep on the ride back from the store and I was so hoping he'd stay asleep all evening. I mean, does this not look like the face of a kid who is WIPED Out?

That wasn't the case though, as soon as we were back to our room he was back up and at 'em. After the hot tub, Kendrick passed out at 9:30. But the big kids didn't fall  asleep until I made them turn off their move at 11:00. And Easton was up until nearly midnight. But the best part of Spring Break- staying up late and then sleeping in! Unfortunately Easton doesn't understand the concept of sleeping in so he was up with the sun telling me how bored he was. At least I think that's what he was saying...I was too tired to take out my earplugs. I would say he walked around the hotel room, looked out the window, ate leftovers from the night before and just stared off into space for at least an hour before the big kids woke up. I had to sleep in with one eye open so I could keep an eye on him.

We ran out and bought an air mattress for the big kids since our suite only had a king and a loveseat.
11:00 at night and eating leftover pizza, this boy knows how to live!
Cadbury eggs and cuddling with cute boys is my idea of a good time.
Before we could check out we had to take silly closet pictures...

Carissa and I decided that Spring Break would be the PERFECT time to really hit the streets hard (hahaha) and find some up cycled treasures. I am not even the least bit ashamed to say that I dumpster dive for furniture and other treasures. I love love love painting furniture. It is one of my favorite things. First we tackled our DI frames. And I am very pleased with how my collage wall turned out. Now I just need to decide which pictures to put up...
I will probably just ask one of my many talented photographer friends to do a session for us so I can have matchy matchy pictures to fill these frames with. If you don't know this about me: I like EVERYTHING to match. I should probably be medicated.

Then I scored these cute headboards and decided to paint one for Tay and one for Easton.

Our pass of all passes FINALLY came and did you know that they get you into the Hollywood Connection for way cheap? We all got in and got to do whatever we wanted for just $12 for the whole family. Obviously, I opted to roller skate first. Roller skating makes my buns burn (and no, not just from falling) and I LOVE it. Plus, Kendrick turns into a dance machine on wheels and radiates 80's sexiness whenever he laces up a pair of 4 wheeled skates.

Myles and Easton really struggled with skating so we only got to do it for about 20 minutes before we moved on to miniature golf.

And then the rides... I'm telling you, this was such a great deal!

We were also lucky enough to get to see our old neighbors during Spring Break. We had not seen them for 6 months. That is officially the longest chunk of time we have gone without seeing them since we moved. Michelle moved to Sugarhouse last month and we were able to have lunch at her new house. I am in love with her house, her neighborhood and just that whole area in general. How amazing would it be if one day we could be neighbors again? I just adore Michelle. And the kids loved seeing all their old buddies!

I also have to throw this in: on Friday night I got a text from my dear friend Kristen (aka hyper Heidi on Kristen's phone) asking if her and Heidi could come over. I was in the middle of a date night with Kendrick and didn't want him to feel bad so I tried to hold them off. But luckily I have the most amazing husband in the world and he must have sensed that I needed a pick me up so he encouraged them to come over. I hadn't seen either of them since... summer 2012? So it was amazing to have them show up on my doorstep with a box of cookies. It honestly made me feel so loved. Thank you Kristen and Heidi for thinking of me! I love you ladies.

Tay, Easton, Brooks, Hayden, Asher, Ellie, Sam, Myles, Jack and Marisella
Michelle, Elissa, Me and Brooke
Dex turned 2 this month! We weren't able to make it to his Birthday party so Tristian and Harold were sweet hearts and invited us over to BBQ with them. I love their little boys so much. Dex is my 5th baby. I don't even care if that is weird to say. It was so good to see those cute little boys again.

I really love that Easter came at the end of Spring Break. What a perfect way to wrap up such a fun week! On Saturday we were able to take the kids down to Utah County to do an Easter Egg hunt that one of Kendrick's clients was putting on, and the kids had a blast! Afterwards we had lunch at Chili's. It was honestly, a near perfect day.

oh, weird...how did this picture manage to slip through the CrAcK...
You'd think in Utah County people would be more conscious of covering their bums.

When we got home Kendrick and I were beat so we fell fast asleep while the kids played out front...because we are awesome parents like that. They are old enough to watch themselves right? Anyway, I woke up and walked into the hall to see that we weren't the only ones who had fallen fast asleep...

That night, after a LONG day we gathered to color eggs. But honestly, our hearts weren't in it.
The tattoo egg kit we bought wasn't working, Kendrick was trying to give the twins haircuts, Tay was hyped up on too much sugar and all I wanted was to lay in my bed with a bag of Reece's Eggs. So these are the only pics I was able to get of our feeble attempt to do a fun egg coloring Easter activity...

I mean, does this look like the face of a kid who is having the time of his life?

He colored exactly one egg and then put himself to bed.
I love Easter!! The kids looked so cute in their new Easter outfits and we had a wonderful dinner at my parent's house after church. I am grateful for this time of year. I am grateful for Easter Sunday. I am grateful   for the Savior and His atoning sacrifice. All of this-my family, our fun opportunities and even this blog are possible because of Him.

The kids got new Utah hats in their baskets!!

Kendrick didn't feel well so he was asleep in my Dad's recliner for most of the night:(

I Hope you all had a Wonderful Spring Break and a Happy Easter!!!